Hardwick Mountain Owners Association

Barboursville, Virginia

Hardwick Mountain Property Owners Association

Board of Directors Meeting (via email)

Minutes: April 18, 2014

All Board members (Kai Dozier, Barbara Dulaney, Steve Harper, Steve Hovanic, Carl Prober) acted via e-mail on the business item conducted, as follows:

1.) Barnhill Proposed Garage Connector: Kai, Barbara, Steve Harper, and Steve Hovanic met with John and Vicki Barnhill at their home on Thursday, April 17, 2014, to discuss plans for their proposed garage connector. At the conclusion of the meeting, the Board members present were informally polled (all were in agreement that the Board should approve the project) but wanted to wait until Carl had an opportunity to express his opinion before reaching a formal decision.  After discussing the matter with Carl via e-mail, Kai followed up with an e-mail on Friday, April 18, 2014, to all Board members, the text of which is as follows:

After our meeting yesterday with John and Vicki Barnhill to view their proposed plans and garage addition layout, I emailed a copy of their plans with a summary to Carl. Carl’s response was that he has no objections as long as they adhere to county regulations.

From our visit I believe we were all in agreement that the Barnhill’s plans to connect their house and garage were in keeping with our Restrictive Covenants – the design, the location, and the intended use (visits by extended family members). They stated they had no intention of renting the garage “bonus room” to non-family members, again in keeping with our RC’s single-family limits. And they are planning to extend their drain field so it is aligned with county requirements for the number of bedrooms they have/will have. They also agreed they would inform us before changing anything from what we saw in the plans and survey tape marking.

The purpose of this email is to create a record of approving the Barnhill’s plans. If you have any questions or additions, please add those and reply to “all”. If you agree with this summary, please respond to that so we have the record.

All Board members responded and were in agreement with the summary. Although not presented as a formal  motion, per se, the members’ unanimous response represents the Board’s position of approving the Barnhills’ plans.

There was no other business conducted .

Respectfully submitted,

Steve Hovanic, Secretary

This website and hardwickmountain.org are the property of Kai Dozier.
No Association funds have been used for this site.
©2009 Kai Dozier | All rights reserved.

Web Design: Deane's Creative Arts